Winners of the 2024 EUDIS Hackathon

Participant testimonial

About the mentoring programme

The EUDIS Mentoring Programme provides exclusive support for the winners of the hackathon.


Exclusive Mentoring Programme for 2 months (June-July 2024) with the aim of building a product and a company. This prize package includes:

  • Workshops (Build & Validate, Defence Business & market),
  • Regular sessions with a Key mentor
  • On-demand consulting sessions with field experts

For the TOP 3 EU WINNERS from the EU pitching FINALS

Additional 4 months (August-November 2024) with the aim of focusing on commercialisation and defence. This prize package includes:

  • Tailored Defence workshops (Defence bootcamp, Protot(IP)e,Finances, Market, Sales & Pitching)
  • Regular sessions with a Key mentor
  • On-demand consulting sessions with field experts
  • 3 virtual Defence Innovation Expeditions